Sue Young Cancer support
Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland based. The services now offered are varied and extensive; from complementary therapies, counselling support and support groups to befriending, meditation, mindfulness, nutritional advice, a solicitor’s surgery and health and well-being recreational therapies.
Leicester hospital cancer service list
UHL provided list of specific cancer local support services
Leicester Diabetes Centre
Lots of useful information from a team at the heart of Diabetes research. LDC offer education, research and innovation in their approach to helping patients living with Diabetes. Local support groups provides a helpline, local support groups, Type 1 events, online Learning Zone, and insurance – to name a few services. You can also find patient stories to learn about how other people have lived and managed their Diabetes.
Walking Groups
A countrywide programme that aims to encourage all residents to become more active and more often to benefit their health.
Blaby –
Supporting unplanned pregnancies and pregnancy loss. JAKIN provides counselling and leaflets to support you during this difficult time.
Multiple Sclerosis
Leicester multiple sclerosis therapy centre
The centre provides support to people suffering from multiple sclerosis and similar illnesses by offering high dosage oxygen therapy. Also, complementary therapies which include aromatherapy, reflexology, hopi ear candles, hot stone, yoga, physiotherapy and acupuncture. The Centre empowers and enables people to actively manage their daily lives.
Multiple Sclerosis Society
Emotional support, advice and information for people affected by MS. Leicester group.
Leicester Maternity Service
The Leicester maternity service deliver around 11,000 babies each year, at home, within our Midwife led Birth Centres and on the two main hospital Delivery Suites. Many resources covering topics such as Antenatal, Screening, Labour, Postnatal, Planning, Better Births.
Sexual Health
Leicester Sexual Health
Lots of information about contraception, STDs and general sexual health which offers a range of support from clinics to emergency contraception. Also, find information and advice regarding contraception in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
Smoking Cessation
If you are thinking about giving up smoking, live well Leicester are there to support you like they have supported 1000s in giving up smoking and moving onto a healthier lifestyle.