Stay Well In Winter
NHS advice on how to stay healthy and live well in the winter months.
A huge range of resources available to help people as they get older. From information and advice to Community support groups, wellbeing, research and more.
Find a large range of information. Learn more about your diagnosis, treatments and explore what are doing to support the future of patients living with asthma.
Impartial expert advice endorsed by the British Association of Dermatologists. Many resources including myth busting, information articles and lots of information about the types of acne and treatments.
British Pregnancy advisory service. Ambition to empower women to be able to make their own decisions about their pregnancy.
Offering hands-on, practical help for people with arthritis to improve their quality of life whilst living with the condition.
British Lung Foundation Breathe easy
Offers a helpline, support groups, web community and easy-to-understand information which offers vital hope and support.
Leicester hospital cancer service list
UHL provided list of specific cancer local support services
One of the largest British charities that provides specialist health care, information and financial support to people affected by cancer.
Leicester Diabetes Centre
Lots of useful information from a team at the heart of Diabetes research. LDC offer education, research and innovation in their approach to helping patients living with Diabetes.
National Eczema Society
Provides support for people living with eczema. You will be able to access information about your diagnosis, read patient stories and keep up to date with current news and updates about your condition.
Leicester based support group which provides the highest quality support, empowers people to help themselves, provides the best source of information on endometriosis and works in an open, transparent, ethical and accountable manner.
Kidney Disease
National Kidney Foundation
The National Kidney Foundation is for all people affected by kidney disease. As pioneers of scientific research and innovation, NKF focuses on the whole patient through the lens of kidney health. NKF enhance lives through action, education and accelerating change.
Supporting unplanned pregnancies and pregnancy loss. JAKIN provides counselling and leaflets to support you during this difficult time.
Miscarriage association
Lots of support available from FAQs to patient stories to exploring the range of emotions and feelings you may be experiencing. Lots of information to help you gain more understanding of what a miscarriage is and some causes of this (which is very unlikely to be related to anything you did or did not do)
Multiple Sclerosis
Leicester multiple sclerosis therapy centre
The centre provides support to people suffering from multiple sclerosis and similar illnesses by offering high dosage oxygen therapy. Also, complementary therapies which include aromatherapy, reflexology, hopi ear candles, hot stone, yoga, physiotherapy and acupuncture. The Centre empowers and enables people to actively manage their daily lives.
National Childbirth Trust
Their mission is to support parents through the first 1,000 days to have the best possible experience of pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. NCT offers a range of support which is split into three main aims, sharing knowledge, creating networks and harnessing voices to encourage change of perceptions.
Leicester Maternity Service
The Leicester maternity service deliver around 11,000 babies each year, at home, within our Midwife led Birth Centres and on the two main hospital Delivery Suites. Many resources covering topics such as Antenatal, Screening, Labour, Postnatal, Planning, Better Births.
Pernicious Anaemia
This society offers a range of support for patients living with pernicious anaemia. Support includes a dedicated helpline, information leaflets, support groups and treatment information to name a few.
Sexual Health
Leicester Sexual Health
Lots of information about contraception, STDs and general sexual health which offers a range of support from clinics to emergency contraception. Also, find information and advice regarding contraception in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland
Smoking Cessation
If you are thinking about giving up smoking, live well Leicester are there to support you like they have supported 1000s in giving up smoking and moving onto a healthier lifestyle.